Young men’s critical support for Trump in the US elections

Winning against the feminist machine

Men are taking back their countries.

Bettina Arndt, Nov 07, 2024

In May this year, the Federal Health Department called a meeting of key men’s health organisations asking them to prepare a pre-budget submission for Treasury, making the case for increased men’s health funding.

Our major men’s groups were all on board – including Men’s Sheds, Movember, Dads in Distress, Australian Men’s Health Forum. They beavered for months producing their carefully analysed funding strategies.

Finally, the government called a zoom meeting to announce the outcome. The men eagerly came on board, waiting to see what on their wish list would win the big bucks. 

The moment arrived. The government spokesperson unashamedly announced the Labor government’s decision. Zero new funding. Not a single dollar to add to the pittance already received by a couple of the key organisations.

A few months later, when the 2024-25 budget was announced, it emerged the government had allocated over $160 million to women’s health.

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