The ‘Men Going Their Own WAY’ movement, at least the current social expression, has its origins in the early 2000s. It has only come up on my radar recently – say, in the last twelve months. Then, again, I only twigged to the rampant anti-white racism around the same time.
MGTOW seems allied to Men’s Rights Activism (MRA). A number of popular US (female) youtubers are pleading the cause of men’s disadvantage in our thoroughly feminised society while Bettina Arndt seems to be the only Australian dealing with it. She has an embarrassing sympathy for the complaints of MRAs and MGTOWs.
It is Karen Straughn, though, who best articulates men’s disadvantages – the law is stacked against them, for a start. Her ‘Reponse to Jordan Peterson’s comments on MGTOW’ is a compelling presentation, informative right to the last minute.