In 1968, the American television network NBC produced a two-hour documentary on the rapidly changing Catholic Church: The New American Catholic. The changes followed the Second Vatican Council, which had wrapped up three years earlier.
The documentary gives a stunning picture of how precipitous and wide-ranging the changes were and how they led to the collapse of many religious orders and the loss of faith among many Catholics. Perhaps the greatest collapse was in the female religious orders. We hear the proponents of change speaking with great enthusiasm and optimism.
Of course, we now know what happened. What seems to be left over from many of the long-established orders is a rump of feminist activists preoccupied with either a total restructuring of the Church or making the way open for a female pope. A total restructure of the Church is aimed at doing away with the power of the male clergy, that is, separating the power structures from the ordained male clergy, as per the ideas of pretend-nun Sr. Nathalie Becquart whose vision I described in a previous comment.