The CEOs of Australia’s main airlines are feminist activists

Airline fake rape crisis

Let’s fight this anti-male propaganda.

Bettina Arndt, Oct 07, 2024

In 2020, within days of the government announcement that I was to be honoured for my work for men, Victoria’s Attorney-General Jill Hennessy called for me to be stripped of my award, arguing my “dangerous” views are an insult to abuse victims.

“Ms Arndt’s views and activities diminish the devastating experiences of victim-survivors of family and sexual violence, promote division and discourage victim-survivors from taking steps to ensure their survival and safety,” she told the ABC. Any number of government heavy-weights lined up to agree. 

They did their best to have me cancelled and succeeded in shutting me out of most mainstream media.

Now imagine what will happen if the government’s misinformation bill is passed. Labor’s Misinformation Bill – likely to be presented to parliament next session – puts the onus on social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook to avoid promoting “misinformation,” particularly that “result in harm or contribute to it.” That’s most of my work, according to my critics in the media and in the government.

Faced with the prospect of massive fines, social media companies are bound to err on the side of caution – by choosing to silence me totally. That could remove the few remaining opportunities I have to spread the word about what is happening to men.

The Misinformation Bill is an outrageous infringement of our civil liberties, putting our freedom of speech into the hands of a government-appointed entity. We all saw how that worked out during the Covid years. As I have pointed out many times, this concentration of power is bound to result in even more draconian laws and regulations adversely impacting on men – with feminists running so many of our institutions.  

We saw this with the eSafety Commissioner’s claims that women are “almost always” the major victims of online abuse; ignoring the risks to men and boys of sexual exploitation – read my blog here.   

So, this is an urgent call to all of you who support what I do. Please do your best to stop this bill getting through – by writing letters or, ideally, getting appointments to lobby the vital crossbenchers in the Senate who will determine the bill’s fate. The Libs have promised to vote against the bill (although they still say they will cook up their own version later).

Here’s a petition you can sign – but the personal approach is far more effective.

We can’t afford to let this one go through to the keeper. We have allowed so much to slip by which has created a poisonous culture for men and boys. We set young men up for rape charges by allowing school sexual consent courses to teach girls that drunk sex is sexual assault.  We allowed feminists to invent and criminalise coercive control as the latest weapon to lock up men. We let Labor get away with removing all protection of children’s rights to contact with their fathers in last year’s Family Law bill. The list goes on. 

Day after day our society becomes less tolerable for men and boys – and male suicide rates continue to climb. Right now, the government is seeking feedback on the latest National Suicide Prevention Strategy which, like all previous strategies, strenuously avoids properly addressing the fact that 6 of the 8 suicides each day are male, downplays the key issue of relationship breakup as one of the major triggers, and proposes strategies which will ensure most funding continues to go to women. It’s an utter disgrace. Please spend the time to examine it properly and send in your scathing critiques here. My blog will give you relevant background.  

The nonsense taking hold in our airlines might seem trivial in comparison – just one more insult in the never-ending male bashing. But it is worth taking a look at what is happening here . . .

Journalists are claiming a dramatic increase in sexual assaults on board aircrafts. Evil male hands creeping under blankets of sleeping women. Arms straying over armrests to nuzzle into a stranger’s breasts. Vulnerable women at the mercy of threatening predators.

Dig down into the alarmist reports and we discover that at the heart of the most recent news stories was an FBI report based on 96 cases of in-flight sexual assault allegations in 2023. That’s from over 800 million passengers on domestic flights! How’s that for a storm in a teacup?

Read the rest here . . .