Tag Archives: Vatican summit

Clerical Sexual abuse – what the media won’t touch

This morning (22 Feb) I watched the report on Holland’s public broadcaster (NOS) about the opening of the Vatican summit dealing with clerical sexual abuse of minors (via satellite). The reporter puffed to bursting with indignation and adopting the manner of a North Korean newsreader laid into the Catholic Church.

There was no end to the evil of that malignant organisation whose desecration of children went back ‘perhaps’ centuries. Nothing had changed, she said, indirectly suggesting the clerical sexual abuse would end when the Church was destroyed. In a way, the reporter can’t be blamed for her manner and the distortions, even falsehoods, of her report. A fierce incorrigible anti-Catholic bigotry has long seized the low countries. She wouldn’t dare departing from the national narrative.

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