Tribute to Sky News for focusing on a truly important issue regarding women.
‘Absolutely shocking’: Sky News host slams landmark gender identity case judgement.
Tribute to Sky News for focusing on a truly important issue regarding women.
‘Absolutely shocking’: Sky News host slams landmark gender identity case judgement.
Cardinal Muller’s speaking out against the immorality of forcing bodily mutilation on children is welcome. It is one thing to have transgenderism forced on society in general, it is another to target children, who are not capable of making an informed decision about such bodily desecration. We must thank God we have a prelate so clearly in defence of Church teaching in contrast with that political subversive sister, Nathalie Becquart, who is just as clear in her denial of Church doctrine.
‘When the self-mutilation of mind, soul, and body is peddled ideologically and politically as an alleged “self-determination,” then that is nothing less than a serious sin against the well-being and salvation of children and young people,’ the German cardinal said.
(LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Gerhard Müller excoriated the LGBT movement in recent remarks, describing transgender ideology as “self-mutilation of mind, soul, and body” that supporters have given a “totalitarian position” in society at the expense of young people and religious and scientific freedom.
The German cardinal and former prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (previously the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) made the comments in a March 30 statement to German magazine Tichys Einblick.
Cardinal Müller was responding to controversy over an episode of a German kids’ TV program that sparked parental outrage for glorifying “gender transitioning.” The episode, released ahead of so-called “Transgender Day of Visibility” last week, featured a character named Erik reemerging on the show as a cross-dressing “trans woman” named “Katja.“
“A trans person is a person who was born a girl, but is actually a boy, or the other way around,” a presenter, who opened with episode with LGBT “pride” flags, told the child audience.
A growing number of feminists are raising objections to the concrete outcomes of transgenderism.
Say two physically fit biological 17-year-old males decide they’re girls. Their decision, we are told, is not to be disputed. Having switched to the female gender, they would go with the girls in sporting contests. That’s the logical outcome of gender theory.
How would biological female athletes of the same age feel about being thrashed by the biologically male girls? Not great, I imagine.
Just such a case was reported by the Washington Times under the heading, Transgender sprinters finish 1st, 2nd at Connecticut girls indoor track championships.
You have to feel sorry for the biologically female girls who spent weeks training for the sport meet only to suffer disadvantages feminists were all about removing.
Transgender politics have taken Americans by surprise, and caught some lawmakers off guard.
Just a few short years ago, not many could have imagined a high-profile showdown over transgender men and women’s access to single-sex bathrooms in North Carolina.
But transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us—children—and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community.
As explained in my 2016 peer reviewed article, “Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate,” professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job. Read on
Three years ago (2013), a Supreme Court ruling paved the way for gay marriage.
After it, the mainstream media had one question: What was next for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender movement? They had, after all, won the big fight. In addition, many corporations had adopted policies barring discrimination based on sexual orientation, and two of America’s most watched shows at the time “Modern Family” and “Glee” featured openly gay characters.
“I really do believe [the Supreme Court ruling] is the domino that is going to tip over the rest of the dominoes,” Wilson Cruz, an LGBT activist, told CNN at the time. “Do not get in the way of this train, because it will run you over.”
To ensure things ran full-steam ahead, billionaire George Soros, through his Foundation to Promote Open Society, dedicated at least $2.7 million to the cause that year, according to his tax returns.
Some Republicans at the time mistakenly thought the LGBT movement had reached its pinnacle, that the culture wars had ended. They thought the party could now focus on fiscal concerns, which weren’t nearly as divisive.
But that was foolish — the LGBT movement was just getting fired up, and Soros-affiliated groups were already plotting their next prize. Read on…
The capitulation of the establishment to the politics of transgenderism has been astonishing. I’m struggling to remember any other time when a new and contested ideology has been so uncritically embraced by the powers-that-be. We have a Tory government pushing a Gender Recognition Act that would allow anyone to change his or her gender without so much as popping a hormone pill. An established Church which yesterday issued guidelines to its schools encouraging them to let kids ‘explore gender identity’. Police forces exchanging helmets for caps because ‘gender-based headgear’ is disrespectful to trans people. And of course a university system — the nurturer of future leaders — in which women’s colleges are throwing themselves open to people who were born male, students are told to use gender-neutral pronouns, and anyone who says ‘Men cannot become women’ can expect to be hounded off campus. Read on…
Dr McHugh is the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry. His claims about transgenderism can be summarised:
See link:
John Hopkins’s Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder’; Sex Change Bilogically impossible