Tag Archives: Sydney University

Hysterical cub reporter on ‘horrific scenes’ at Sydney University

From the hysterical heading of the article below by cub reporter Natalie Brown, one would think that Muslim terrorists had invaded Sydney University and shot and stabbed the whole place up.

But, no, Natalie, who looks like one of the affronted students she writes about, is reporting on the 97th meeting of Sydney University’s Student Representative Council (SRC), notorious for its control year-in-year-out by SU’s far-far-far-left.

At issue for whimpering Natalie is ‘a landmark report that [allegedly] exposed the systemic culture of sexual violence, hazing, elitism and inaction at Australia’s university colleges’ which report two (you guessed it) male students disparaged and questioned, and a third ripped up before the appalled faces of its far-far-left (and likely lesbian) manufacturers. Of course, the male student’s action was misogynistic in essence and typical of the male species. This is the usual display of the man-hatred endemic in the West.

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Tony Abbott and the Times of Revolution

I recently completed an update of TONY ABBOTT AND THE TIMES OF REVOLUTION. I did a bit of polishing and added an index of names. An index of names was an important upgrade. I should perhaps have done that in the beginning. The book also has a new and more attractive cover. The photo is of the entrance to Sydney University where all the action took place.

REVIEW Tony Abbott book

Just repeating that I have received a review for TONY ABBOTT AND THE TIMES OF REVOLUTION:

‘IF YOU WONDER how we got to where we are on the shifting sands of political correctness (and who doesn’t) this book is for you. Gerard Charles Wilson, author of Prison Hulk to Redemption (2015) is the kind of biographer who is a more interesting than his hero Tony Abbott (see James Boswell, Laird of Auchinleck and Sam Johnson, Doctor of Bolt Court, off Fleet Street)…

‘Wilson’s work may not necessarily commend itself to left-wing Honi Soitistes, but it should be on the library shelves of all Catholic universities and senior schools for its corrective attitude to the student politics of the last century and this one.’

Read the full review HERE.

Update of the Abbott book

I have completed a six-month update of TONY ABBOTT AND THE TIMES OF REVOLUTION.

In addition to the review received (see recent blog), I had feedback that the book was unnecessarily long.

I have removed all text not directly related to the book’s three intertwined themes: the character of former Prime Minister Tony Abbott as displayed in his fearless no-holds battle with the far-left radicals at Sydney University (1976-1980); what it means to be a philosophical conservative in a leftist world; and the author’s critique of the student rebellion and the radicalism driving it. The author lived through the tumultuous years of the 1960s and 1970s revolution.

TONY ABBOTT AND THE TIMES OF REVOLUTION is as much about the author as about Tony Abbott.

Update on my Tony Abbott book

I have finished the first major revision of Tony Abbott and the Times of Revolution. I’ve added two more chapters to the first draft. Shortly I will begin  my second intense revision using the two editing programs Grammarly and ProWritingAid, both of which I can recommend. It will take another six weeks to bring the manuscript to  publishing stage. I will be looking for a publisher.