Tag Archives: Marxism

Marxist Andrews in Virusland

Professor Emeritus Garrett Ward Sheldon writes about the American situation in his article ‘Church and State in Virusland‘, but most of the his points on religious liberty could be applied to the Australian situation, and in particular to Victoria whose dictatorial overlord is the Marxist government of the eye-spinning leftist fanatic Daniel Andrews.

Professor Sheldon is an ordained Christian minister but, again, what he says about religious faith and its adherence applies as well to Catholics. In his opening paragraphs, he gets straight to the point.

As state governments all over America outlaw “social gatherings” except for “essential services” such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and liquor stores, the implications for religion become obvious. Last Sunday, a minister in Florida was arrested for holding a normal church service and thereby endangering public health.

But a church worship service is not just a public gathering; it is a holy assembly. Our Faith tells us that God blesses and honors the prayers of His people in His House and that may well give comfort, healing, and peace to millions. The current discussion over this virus is almost exclusively scientific and economic, ignoring the psychological and spiritual dimensions of the crisis.

Continue reading Marxist Andrews in Virusland

How do you recognize a marxist?

For most people unfamiliar with the theory, one can recognise a Marxist by the social and political issues he supports and pushes. The vehemence of his beliefs and the abusive intolerance he displays is a secondary indication. These are the some of the causes he supports.

Abortion – sacrificing the innocence for convenience and demographic control, and killing the culture

Gay culture – same-sex union foremost, but any sort of union

Gender fluidity – destroying the idea of female and male

Transgenderism – surrender of reason to ideological conformism

Feminism – female ascendance and misandry

Identity politics – racist and class fragmenting of society

Open borders – destroying the culture

Multiculturalism – the fragmenting of the nation and establishment of tribal areas

Diversity – the elimination of the national culture and the imposition of a leftist conformism

Aboriginal separatism – establishing a superior political class on the basis of race

Destruction of Christianity, especially the Catholic Church who he sees as the originator and guardian of capitalist society

Elimination of the nuclear family which is a breeding ground for sexism, patriarchy and female oppression

Anti-white racism – eliminating the (perceived) originators of capitalism

Dismantling of Western Civilization – eliminating the great Oppressor

There are two fundamental elements to the Marxist justification of these causes. The first is a (metaphysical) materialism. Materialism is the doctrine that there is nothing above or beyond the material world. Thus there are no objective moral standards, no preordained structure in the world. There is no God. But what separates materialist Marxism from a liberal materialism is the dialectic which Marx borrowed from Georg Hegel’s idealist philosophy. Dialectical theory is rather involved but in brief it is the idea that reality is conflictual and in continual flux. There are contradictions within the concepts that constitute our thinking. These contradictions gradually work themselves out, that is, evolve from a lower to higher order of understanding. In Marxism’s materialist dialectic, the conflict occurs preeminently between classes, between the perceived oppressor and oppressed. The clash of classes will lead to a higher order of material existence and eventually to some sort of utopian society. The ravage of established society with its enduring norms is of no account in the ineluctable progression of the dialectic. The most cherished beliefs of our Western culture are doomed.

The great opponent of Marxism is a philosophical conservatism with his realist metaphysics and epistemology. There are things out there over which a transcendent order prevails. The mind can recognise in the particulars of sense perception an intelligible order of abstract essences and necessary relations prior to particular things and contingent events. This explains why the ABC and the educational sector, both controlled by Marxists, will not tolerate a hint of conservatism, especially the conserving of Western Society. A stable world governed by a transcendent order is a hindrance to mass (Marxist) manipulation.

Marxists behind death of Gay protester?

MSM and SJW’s murder conservative activist

By David Hiscox -January 14, 2020, XYZ

A young man named Wilson Gavin who led a protest against a so-called “drag queen story hour” in Brisbane a couple of days ago is believed to have killed himself. He was a member of the University of Queensland Liberal National Club, a Catholic, and a homosexual. He had been a vocal critic of fake marriage at the height of the debate a couple of year ago.

Read on…

Dave Cullen – a reconversion story

This year I discovered Dave Cullen’s youtube videos on Ireland – on the collapse of the Irish Nation and its culture. I have provided the links to many of his videos because of his clear articulation of the issues and because his defence of Irish culture highlights in microcosm the Marxist agenda of undermining all western nations. Ireland is a cut and dried case of the Marxist attempt to break up a nation and its people – to cause them to disappear in a replacement strategy in a borderless world.

Dave says his ideas about nation and culture have matured over recent years in a forced assessment of his beliefs. His is not the only story of someone becoming conscious of the poison and incoherence of the leftist (meaning Marxist) gospel. He came from a position of atheism, swallowing all the ideas of a materialist philosophy, to understanding in a Burkean sense what it means to be a nation, to be a people. Central to this awakening was the realisation that religion, belief in a transcendent being, is central.

He has come to see that nations collapse when they reject the transcendent and its established order. He discusses his awakening in ‘Rediscovering Faith: My Journey Back To Christianity’. He articulates that journey with his usual clarity. See the video HERE.

‘Witchcraft is the tool of the oppressed

On the Acton Institute Powerblog , Rev Ben Johnson made comment about an article appearing on the Real News Network, ‘Witchcraft, Anarchy and the rise of the Left Tube.’ The article was about Angie Speaks, a ‘libertarian socialist’ who encourages socialists to use ‘witchcraft, spells and hexes’ against the free market.

The article is entertaining for what a crackpot leftist has to say about the Marxist struggle against capitalism. My attention, however, focused on Speaks’ assertions about the influence of the occult and witchcraft. Those who have read my two novels in the Winterbine series (a third novel due early 2020) know that Gnosticism and the occult feature in the story, particularly in its influence among feminists and radicalised Catholic nuns. Here are a few pertinent passages:

Angie Speaks asks the workers of the world to unite around their Himalayan salt lamps.

“Witchcraft is the tool of the oppressed class,” Angie affirms during the Real News interview, in which the camera captures what appears to be a witchcraft altar next to her bed.

“Do you think engaging with Earth goddess religious traditions could vitalize the Left?” asks interviewer Taya Graham.

Speaks says she has found that paganism enhances her political struggle.

“There’s a lot of truth to be unearthed within spirituality, especially because spiritual traditions have always been linked to the fight against capitalism and the fight against coercive systems,” spake Speaks.

In her telling, slaves in the New World who were oppressed by Church and State, turned to “things like Santeria, things like Vodun [voodoo], or here things like Wicca, which has a very strong through line with women’s movements and feminism. It was sort of a reservoir of strength and a reservoir of all the things needed to keep one’s soul intact.”

Roger Scruton on Newspeak and the manipulation of language

Most leftist activists aligned themselves with different interpretations of Marxism (Trotskyist, Maoism among others). By the 1960s, after the Russians crushed the Hungarian uprising in 1956, New Left ideas began to modify their Marxist vision. For an explanation of the fundamentals of New Left thinking, so important to the growing hegemony of the left, I will draw on philosopher Roger Scruton’s work. Before doing so, I want to cover the basics of classical Marxism to put the developments into context.

The core of Marxist theory is that any society is made up of an economic base (the forces of production and production relations) and a superstructure of laws, government, conventions, customs, art and so on. The base determines the superstructure of government. The economic base is not static. According to Marx’s key concept of dialectical materialism, a society will experience a clash of classes between those in power and those exploited. The clash will result in a new economic order and a new superstructure determined by that order. This is the working out of the dialectic process. The clash of classes will go onto until classes cease to exist, and people live in a socialist paradise where the alienation of the worker from his essence as a human person will dissolve. Marx claimed we are at this time in the final phase of the clash of classes: capitalists (the exploiters) with the proletariat or workers (the exploited).

Continue reading Roger Scruton on Newspeak and the manipulation of language