Tag Archives: Jennifer Oriel

The rise and rise of virulent anti-white racism

No one should miss Jennifer Oriel’s commentaries in the Australian. Here’s her latest 5 Nov 2018. It’s too important to remain behind a paywall.

Stupid, brainless and servile. It’s how the American sisterhood describes women who vote Republican. Ahead of the US mid-term elections, left-wing sexism has reached fever pitch. While claiming to support women’s right to vote, the Left has subjected women who vote right to dehum­anisation, public shaming and mis­ogyny. White women are bearing the brunt of the Left’s hate speech as desperate Democrats try to coerce conformity among female freethinkers.

Shortly after the 2016 US election, pundits revealed a shocking truth: millions of women had voted freely, and had freely chosen Donald Trump for president. Exit polls revealed white women were the culprits. Supposed progressives responded with vile speech about Republican women the content of which rivalled the sexist diatribes 19th-century men used to silence the suffragettes. Like the suffragettes, women who vote conservative are deemed too stupid to vote rationally.

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