Tag Archives: Gerard Charles Wilson

Reorganizing my websites is not finished

Despite the seemingly definitive announcement about my websites in the previous post, I have continued to consider how best to display my intellectual interests. Perhaps I flatter myself that anyone is interested. Nevertheless, I continue to reflect on the issue for my own satisfaction. I look on my websites as a diary.

The latest is that I am now considering a third website that will concentrate solely on my books and writing, and the processes of publishing.

Over twenty-five years, I have read many books on writing, editing, and publishing, watched many more videos on the same subjects, and used the editing programs Grammarly and ProwritingAid. I now have a list of twelve books with a thirteenth in the writing. I have had a lot of experience as an Indie publisher. My knowledge might be of service to those considering the route of self-publishing.

The format of the proposed website will be entirely different from the present format. This website will revert to a particular category of social issues with no change to the format. Stay tuned for developments.

Update – reorganizing my websites

This website – gerardcharleswilson.com – presents my books, discussions about writing, and the processes of publishing.

The key issues of Australian society, and Western Civilization in general are the focus of my fiction and non-fiction writing. My nonfiction books describe the thread of decay running through Western Society; my novels explore that thread in an historical setting.

In fiction, I write in the genre of the historical novel. My stories are social and political, interwoven with relationships that are critical to the plot. They take place against the historical background of the second half of the twentieth century (focus on 1960-1975) and the first decades of the 21st century. The historical references are clear.

My non-fiction books are about political and social issues. My family history series is as much about the social and political aspects of Australian society as it is about my family.

By far, the majority of novels published in Australia assume a materialist philosophical framework. I am among a small number of novelists assuming a realist, conservative philosophical framework.

For discussions about Edmund Burke, the business of government, conservatism as a political philosophy, and the philosophical questions of state and society, go to my Edmund Burke Society website.

All comment on social and political issues will now appear entirely on my Edmund Burke Society website. Political comments on my primary website will be transferred to the Edmund Burke Society website if they are still current.