Tag Archives: Cardinal Muller

Self-mutilation – a sign of self-determination?

Cardinal Muller’s speaking out against the immorality of forcing bodily mutilation on children is welcome. It is one thing to have transgenderism forced on society in general, it is another to target children, who are not capable of making an informed decision about such bodily desecration. We must thank God we have a prelate so clearly in defence of Church teaching in contrast with that political subversive sister, Nathalie Becquart, who is just as clear in her denial of Church doctrine.


Cardinal Müller: Transgender ideology is ‘self-mutilation,’ promoting it is a ‘serious sin’

When the self-mutilation of mind, soul, and body is peddled ideologically and politically as an alleged “self-determination,” then that is nothing less than a serious sin against the well-being and salvation of children and young people,’ the German cardinal said.

(LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Gerhard Müller excoriated the LGBT movement in recent remarks, describing transgender ideology as “self-mutilation of mind, soul, and body” that supporters have given a “totalitarian position” in society at the expense of young people and religious and scientific freedom.

The German cardinal and former prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (previously the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) made the comments in a March 30 statement to German magazine Tichys Einblick.

Cardinal Müller was responding to controversy over an episode of a German kids’ TV program that sparked parental outrage for glorifying “gender transitioning.” The episode, released ahead of so-called “Transgender Day of Visibility” last week, featured a character named Erik reemerging on the show as a cross-dressing “trans woman” named “Katja.“

“A trans person is a person who was born a girl, but is actually a boy, or the other way around,” a presenter, who opened with episode with LGBT “pride” flags, told the child audience.

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