Tag Archives: Aboriginal separatism

Australia Day and the rest

On my Edmund Burke website, I have been making a series of comments on the radical left’s campaign to create a double Australia, an apartheid Australia, in which the ordinary Australian supports a superior caste of people based on race.

‘Indigenous historian’, Bruce Pascoe, wrote the following in his ABC-supported bestseller, DARK EMU.

Not only did Aborigines invent democracy, pioneer humankind’s first complex fishing systems and bake the first loaf of bread, they were agriculturalists with skills superior to those of the white colonisers who took their land and despoiled it. (p.1)

Preposterous claims, of course, that cannot be verified on the evidence. Peter O’Brien refutes Pascoe’s attempt to reinvent and fabricate Aboriginal history and culture in his Bitter Harvest: The illusion of Aboriginal agriculture in Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu.

It is fine to point out the superiority of Aboriginal culture, but a dastardly racist act to assert Aboriginal culture, pre-settlement, was a primitive stationary culture in which its members, by virtue of that culture, lived a life that was ‘nasty brutish and short.’

Aboriginals and Australians of Aboriginal ancestry have an infinitely greater of chance of thriving in our present European Society. Indeed, there are examples of ‘indigenous’ fat cats all through the public service and government-funded enterprises.