I have set up a section on my website which is devoted to Cardinal Pell. My intention is cover all aspects of the Cardinal’s life, not only his conviction for sexual abuse. It is a long term project. My mission statement is as follows:

Most people will see this photo as representative either of a corrupt Church harbouring a despicable paedophile who with justice should be given over to the lynch mob that has relentlessly stalked him. Or they will see reflected in the humiliated handcuffed cardinal a screaming injustice, the collapse of reason, the trashing of the justice system, and the degradation of Australian society. It is especially the collapse of reason that should alarm the ordinary Australian.
The judges of the majority judgement rejecting Cardinal Pell’s appeal seem to know nothing about the rules of reason. They seem not to know that abstractly speaking matters of fact could always be otherwise, that nothing is impossible except a contradiction, that judgements about reliability and trustworthiness are based on the empirical evidence. No rational person trusts someone without convincing evidence. The more critical the trust, the greater the need for sound concrete evidence.
When I examine the empirical evidence surrounding the accuser’s charges (so lucidly discussed by the dissenting judge), I cannot but conclude that this hidden anonymous man has concocted and acted out a story to fool the gullible, buoy the bigot, and serve the aims of the Cardinal’s political enemies, including those in his Church.
The accuser’s project is of such extraordinary daring that I further conclude he has the help and backing of political groups who have hatched a long term plan to destroy Cardinal Pell. Whatever happens regarding a High Court appeal, they have succeeded. Cardinal Pell has been become a martyr to the religious and political beliefs he has so forcefully defended.
A final conclusion is that no religious or political conservative in Australia is safe.
In this section of my website, I will continue to examine the evidence, critique the conviction and attempt to get behind what is known or claimed.
I do not encourage anyone to break the law, but I appeal to those with knowledge about the Pell Affair that has not been made public to contact me. Confidentiality is assured.
This is a continuing project.