For most people unfamiliar with the theory, one can recognise a Marxist by the social and political issues he supports and pushes. The vehemence of his beliefs and the abusive intolerance he displays is a secondary indication. These are the some of the causes he supports.
Abortion – sacrificing the innocence for convenience and demographic control, and killing the culture
Gay culture – same-sex union foremost, but any sort of union
Gender fluidity – destroying the idea of female and male
Transgenderism – surrender of reason to ideological conformism
Feminism – female ascendance and misandry
Identity politics – racist and class fragmenting of society
Open borders – destroying the culture
Multiculturalism – the fragmenting of the nation and establishment of tribal areas
Diversity – the elimination of the national culture and the imposition of a leftist conformism
Aboriginal separatism – establishing a superior political class on the basis of race
Destruction of Christianity, especially the Catholic Church who he sees as the originator and guardian of capitalist society
Elimination of the nuclear family which is a breeding ground for sexism, patriarchy and female oppression
Anti-white racism – eliminating the (perceived) originators of capitalism
Dismantling of Western Civilization – eliminating the great Oppressor
There are two fundamental elements to the Marxist justification of these causes. The first is a (metaphysical) materialism. Materialism is the doctrine that there is nothing above or beyond the material world. Thus there are no objective moral standards, no preordained structure in the world. There is no God. But what separates materialist Marxism from a liberal materialism is the dialectic which Marx borrowed from Georg Hegel’s idealist philosophy. Dialectical theory is rather involved but in brief it is the idea that reality is conflictual and in continual flux. There are contradictions within the concepts that constitute our thinking. These contradictions gradually work themselves out, that is, evolve from a lower to higher order of understanding. In Marxism’s materialist dialectic, the conflict occurs preeminently between classes, between the perceived oppressor and oppressed. The clash of classes will lead to a higher order of material existence and eventually to some sort of utopian society. The ravage of established society with its enduring norms is of no account in the ineluctable progression of the dialectic. The most cherished beliefs of our Western culture are doomed.
The great opponent of Marxism is a philosophical conservatism with his realist metaphysics and epistemology. There are things out there over which a transcendent order prevails. The mind can recognise in the particulars of sense perception an intelligible order of abstract essences and necessary relations prior to particular things and contingent events. This explains why the ABC and the educational sector, both controlled by Marxists, will not tolerate a hint of conservatism, especially the conserving of Western Society. A stable world governed by a transcendent order is a hindrance to mass (Marxist) manipulation.