Behind the ‘vote tony out’ campaign

The Votetonyout campaign is driven by Getup/Alinsky-type fanatics, if not directly by GetUp!. Zali Steggall seems to be the endorsed candidate for this group. Steggall in her interview with Steve Price on 2GB showed with her political rhetoric that she’s just another Green-left type with an infantilised abhorrence of anything conservative. She is supported by an instagram campaign showing anti-Abbott agitators wearing T-shirts with ‘Time’s up Tony’ in different colours. Very clever.

If you become a sucker to this paradigm leftist agitation, you’re supporting the full box of gender theory, white patriarchy, identity politics, whiteness studies, sexualisation of children (the Marxist safe schools program) open borders, radical retribution of wealth, zero emissions, and so on and so on…

Nobody should be fooled by the ridiculous claim that the agitation is coming from ‘ordinary non-political concerned citiziens’. You could not be more gullible if you fell for that.

The anti-Abbott campaign is what GetUp! and like-groups are preparing for any conservative who goes up against the hegemony of the Green-Left.