Assoc. Professor Jason Morgan reviews Dr Edward Feser’s latest book, Aristotle’s Revenge: The Metaphysical Foundations of Physical and Biological Science, on the Imaginative Conservative website. Dr Feser is an expert on Aristotelian/Thomist philosophy who writes with enviable clarity about challenging philosophical concepts and issues. I can recommend Feser’s Aquinas: A Beginner’s Guide for those who have long stared at the name St Thomas Aquinas with the thought, ‘I must read what he thinks some day’, but is put off by an assumed complexity of thought. This is the book for that person. It might serve as an introduction to Feser’s latest book that attempts (with apparent success) to demonstrate what the materialists deny.
Aristotle’s Revenge
By Jason Morgan|February 18th, 2020
Philosophy departments are struggling in the West these days. Philosophy majors at most universities are as rare as a hen’s teeth, and students overall—like the adult population as a whole—remain almost perfectly ignorant of even the rudiments of intellectual history or any branch of philosophical inquiry. From the pre-Socratics to the Vienna School and everyone in-between, Leibniz to Plato to Kant, philosophy is a foreign country to all but a hardy few who still visit the shelves in the 100s of the Dewey Decimal System.