5 billion dollars to persecute men

The Albanese leftist government has allocated almost 5 billion dollars to feminists to persecute men and lock them up wherever possible. It is an irony that Janice Fiamengo’s latest comment has just appeared.


The Victim is Always Female

The real (male) victims of false allegations are often quickly passed over

Janice Fiamengo, Sep 05, 2024

“Better ten innocent men go to jail than one potential female victim hesitate to come forward.”

At least, that seemed to be the consensus in 2017, when I first made this video. I’m not sure it’s still entirely true, though I do often hear the ‘Ultimately, this will hurt women …’ argument when the subject is male disadvantage or blatant anti-male injustice.

This video was originally part of the No Joke Janice video series, designed by my friend and producer Steve Brule as short audio commentary on current events. (Over time, many of the videos became indistinguishable from the main Fiamengo File videos, longer and more detailed—before they were all taken down by YouTube’s censors in one fell swoop. Steve is now re-posting many of them at Studio B.)

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