Trump’s appeal to the legitimate feelings of young men

In another brilliant analysis, Janice Fiamengo demonstrates where Trump won the presidency.


Not the End, Not Even the Beginning of the End

But a modest defeat for feminism in Donald Trump’s victory

Janice Fiamengo, Nov 15, 2024

Men in Red: Why More and More Young Male Voters Are Being MAGA-fied |  Vanity Fair

In the week following the American election results, a consensus of sorts has emerged: this was about men.

Whether in distasteful embrace of “bro” masculinity, or in celebration of a world in which “male traits can build rather than destroy” (in the surprisingly sympathetic words of Quillette’s Claire Lehmann),  men were the ones who determined the election outcome, so the story goes. Donald Trump was victorious over Kamala Harris because he gave men permission to reject feminist dictates, including about abortion.

A good deal of the commentary on this theme, not surprisingly, has been negative, ranging from the sneering to the hysterical. There have also been raucous celebrations and upbeat analyses of the “rebellion of American men.” Even amidst the male-blaming and catastrophizing, the talk of sex strikes and husband-poisoning, there have been signs that the era of men being taken for granted as voters may at last be coming to an end.

Democrat Richard Reeves of the Brookings Institution under-stated the case when he pointed out that “Trying to either shame or guilt or scare men into voting Democrat was spectacularly unsuccessful.” Future Democratic campaigns, he suggests, will have to take men into account. Whether the Trump presidency will deliver on the hopes now raised among some men’s advocates remains to be seen.


First, a review: the Democratic campaign vision for men was notable for its anti-male contempt.   

Democrats promoted a progressive masculinity, one that was explicitly subservient to women. Francis Wilkinson at Bloomberg praised VP candidate Tim Walz as a man who “can happily play second fiddle to a Black woman” and “doesn’t have to live in constant fear of losing status.” In case the implied insult to imagined Republican men (with their fragile masculinity) was not clear enough, Wilkinson concluded his piece with a direct address: “He’s not frightened of women, afraid of Black people or terrified of the future. Why are you?”

Joyful warrior Tim Walz and the last days of patriarchy |

Riffing on the same theme, Sam Berry at The Los Angeles Loyalan, a campus newspaper, celebrated Walz for his “gentle masculinity” and willingness to “take a backseat to his running mate.” A soft man happy to play a supporting role to a DEI presidential candidate was purportedly attractive to young people (by which he seemed to mean young women). Berry interviewed a sociology professor at UC Santa Barbara who saw it as a positive that “Walz overall doesn’t express his masculinity” (whatever that means) and who asserted that “People [by which she seemed to mean women] are more happy to see a man support a woman in power rather than using his role as a man in society to benefit his own self.”

Read the rest here . . .

The case for patriarchy

For an uncompromising defence of patriarchy, one can consult Timothy Gordon’s youtube channel. He and his wife operate as a fantastic duo, Tim going in hard for a naturally constructed man. His thoughts are laid out in full, together with a theoretical demonstration, in his book The Case for Patriarchy. His wife, Stephanie, backs him up solidly with her book Ask Your Husband: A Wife’s Guide to True Femininity. I might add that Tim enjoys the singular privilege of having a wife who laughs at his jokes.

There is much devoted to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, but the fantastic duo’s views on men and women – and their union – will reach across religions and philosophies.

New book on misandry

Women that hate men: essays on misandry — Vanessa de Largie

Connor Court Publishing

From award-winning writer, author and columnist Vanessa de Largie, comes a provocative collection of essays destined to reshape the way we think of modern media’s portrayal of men. Hating men is a blood sport and one doesn’t have to look very far to witness it. Misandrist messaging clogs up the media like the dead skin that clogs up a pore. We are essentially being brainwashed and re-educated via the media’s psychological techniques. It’s the sort of propaganda we condemn in autocratic nations! 

Women that hate men: essays on misandry is a 2024 collection of essays by Australian writer and columnist, Vanessa de Largie. The book takes a look at man-hating and the way it damages men and boys, in most branches of society.

Young men’s critical support for Trump in the US elections

Winning against the feminist machine

Men are taking back their countries.

Bettina Arndt, Nov 07, 2024

In May this year, the Federal Health Department called a meeting of key men’s health organisations asking them to prepare a pre-budget submission for Treasury, making the case for increased men’s health funding.

Our major men’s groups were all on board – including Men’s Sheds, Movember, Dads in Distress, Australian Men’s Health Forum. They beavered for months producing their carefully analysed funding strategies.

Finally, the government called a zoom meeting to announce the outcome. The men eagerly came on board, waiting to see what on their wish list would win the big bucks. 

The moment arrived. The government spokesperson unashamedly announced the Labor government’s decision. Zero new funding. Not a single dollar to add to the pittance already received by a couple of the key organisations.

A few months later, when the 2024-25 budget was announced, it emerged the government had allocated over $160 million to women’s health.

Read the rest here . . .

Toxic femininity? – no, it cannot be

The video below is for men to watch.


Toxic Femininity: The 4 Dark Truths Nobody Told You.

Human Nature with Roni Fouks

If you think the world would be a peaceful place if women ruled, then you might not fully understand toxic femininity. In this video, I’m breaking down what it means for femininity to become toxic and outlining the 4 psychological and archetypal profiles of toxic feminine behavior:

• Femme Fatale – Women who use their sexuality manipulatively to exploit or harm others.
• Devouring Mother – Overprotective, overly compassionate women who stifle the growth and independence of their children or others.
• Mean Girl – Women who engage in indirect aggression, such as gossip, social exclusion, and manipulation.
• Eternal Daughter – Women who remain dependent, childlike, and manipulate others by refusing to grow up or take responsibility.

We’ll explore the power dynamics at play and discuss how these archetypes manifest in real life. I’ll get into how women misuse their feminine virtues and turn them into vices. More importantly, I’ll share practical tips on how to recognize and heal these patterns in ourselves. Join me as we take an honest look at toxic femininity, where it comes from, and how we can overcome it. Make sure to stay until the end for actionable steps to reclaim a healthy balance in your feminine energy.

Forcing quotas in sport

Feminists are now turning their attention to diverting money from the world’s top-level competitions – men’s sports – to women’s sports. Their demand, as usual, is for thorough-going equity. They want, as a power feminist said in one of the articles below ‘a system of respect, of equal pay, of equal treatment, of equal encouragement . . .’ The case – to the extent that is a case – is outlined in the three articles below.

The first point that one could make is that if feminists want respect for females in sport, they should not start with the assumption that men and women are at the same level in strength and agility.

Feminists may fantasize about comparative ability, but a 12-year-old boy can see how laughable the proposition is. When the proposition has been tested (16-year-old schoolboys against national female champions) the result has been embarrassing.

Continue reading Forcing quotas in sport

Hysterical cub reporter on ‘horrific scenes’ at Sydney University

From the hysterical heading of the article below by cub reporter Natalie Brown, one would think that Muslim terrorists had invaded Sydney University and shot and stabbed the whole place up.

But, no, Natalie, who looks like one of the affronted students she writes about, is reporting on the 97th meeting of Sydney University’s Student Representative Council (SRC), notorious for its control year-in-year-out by SU’s far-far-far-left.

At issue for whimpering Natalie is ‘a landmark report that [allegedly] exposed the systemic culture of sexual violence, hazing, elitism and inaction at Australia’s university colleges’ which report two (you guessed it) male students disparaged and questioned, and a third ripped up before the appalled faces of its far-far-left (and likely lesbian) manufacturers. Of course, the male student’s action was misogynistic in essence and typical of the male species. This is the usual display of the man-hatred endemic in the West.

Continue reading Hysterical cub reporter on ‘horrific scenes’ at Sydney University