Restoring the Presumption of Innocence conference

Falsely accused

– Avi Yemini on why our conference is so essential.

Bettina Arndt, Aug 29, 2024

There’s great excitement here, now that we have reached the final few days before our conference next Saturday. It looks like we will have over 200 people attending – a large, lively crowd for this important event.

We were delighted with this last-minute interview with Avi Yemini from Rebel News, talking to me about his own experiences of false allegations, which are very relevant to the conference. Avi is one of the very few well-known men in Australia to speak out about the devastating impact of having false domestic violence allegations used to try to stop him seeing his children.

So, here is a man with skin in the game and it is wonderful that he has decided to live stream the conference on Rebel News.

Read the rest here . . .

Feminism has ruined academia

The Feminisation of Academia

Louise Perry – YouTube Maiden, Mother Matriarch – discusses current academia with Amy Wax, Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Amy is both a legal scholar and medical scholar, with dual specialties in both neurology and social welfare law.

This is an insightful interview which deserves close listening. I have only one point to highlight here. Professor Wax wonders why male academics surrendered so willingly to the feminist takeover of academia. Was it weakness, cowardice, or complicity? Perhaps it’s more straightforward than that. Perhaps the character of masculinity had something to do with it.

Exposing the feminist enemy

Coincidentally, the comment below from Bettina Arndt’s substack arrived today. There is reference to Micaela Cronin’s man-hating rant (see previous comment).


Movember is a fake

– New plans to fight back and properly support men

Bettina Arndt, Aug 22, 2024

How do Australian men get out of bed every morning? I just can’t imagine how men cope with the endless vilification, the constant betrayals by those in power.  

This week we saw another example of men being conned. Every year in this country many thousands of men grow moustaches in November, fondly imagining that they do this to raise money for men’s health.

Don’t kid yourself. Movember, the organisation roping in the millions of dollars from these poor suckers, has always sold men out by avoiding controversial issues and pandering to the feminist narrative. They run suicide prevention programmes, for instance, which studiously avoid any mention of what our Australian Bureau of Statistics names as one of the major causes of male suicide – relationship breakdown.

Now Movember is handing over $3.2 million of the money raised by these men to the male-bashing Albanese Government “to help young men and boys foster healthy, respectful relationships as part of efforts to end gender-based violence.”

Stealing money donated by ordinary blokes and using it to shame boys and vilify men. How disgusting is that? And this comes even after key domestic violence policy makers have admitted that programs to change misogynist attitudes are unsuccessful in reducing domestic violence.  

Movember’s $3.2 million is a pittance compared to the $3.4 billion the Albanese government has committed to “women’s safety.” Yesterday Albo’s DV Commissioner poured out the usual anti-male propaganda to the National Press Club but naturally the media responded with the women’s group complaints that the money is still not enough.

We all know our governments have been captured and only ever dance to the feminists’ tune. But it is an absolute tragedy that so many of our key organisations claiming to help men are really working against them. It’s only going to get worse… unless we get out there, expose what they are doing, and find ways to stop them. 

New plans of attack

That’s what makes our conference even more important. The assault on the presumption of innocence in our courts is simply one of the most telling consequences on this toxic culture – which our speakers will expose at the Restoring the Presumption of Innocence conference on August 31.

Read the rest here . . .

A tyranny of hysterical man-hatred

Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner Micaela Cronin presented (21 August) a report on Australia’s domestic violence to an audience of sympathetic media feminists at the National Press Club.

I will provide two media reports on Commissar Cronin’s report to lay out the main points. The first (below) is from The second (following) will be from the ABC.

Cronin’s hysterical (emotional, not funny) rant against men regurgitates all the usual accusations against men in cases of ‘domestic violence’ which at least should be called domestic conflict. The correct title should be couple conflict. There is never just one person in couple conflict – to state the obvious.

For Cronin and her feelingly sympathetic feminist audience, the man is always the perpetrator, and the woman is always the victim – the eternal victim. The woman never does anything to provoke conflict. Oh no, never.

Ask the women who fall prey to another woman’s devastating spite, calumny, and backbiting. If a man’s verbal abuse or coercion is rated under ‘domestic violence’, the female’s mouth can be doubly so.

Not only does the ordinary person’s experience speak against such claims against men, but the professional people I cite here cogently argue against that nonsense. I refer one to the articles and research of Bettina Arndt and Janice Fiamengo.

There are, however, two points in Cronin’s presentation that I want to highlight. According to ‘she said Australia needed to be using all of the tools that are available for tackling terrorism, including monitoring social media, to end violence against women and children.’

“I think that what we need is for the community to take as seriously threats of domestic, family and sexual violence as they take terrorist threats, act on them as urgently and recognise that they are different,” Ms Cronin said.

It is difficult to comprehend that a rational person who experiences everyday life, including the many moments of disagreement between couples, could reduce couple conflict to terrorism initiated by the man.

How is a couple’s conflict analogical with ideological beheadings, stabbings, shootings, and bombings? Well, it’s not. It is delusional to suggest it.

The second point I want to highlight is the question of family law. One of the major complaints men have in divorce settlements is the outrageous unfairness of Australia’s family law legislation. The settlement is almost always weighted strongly in favour of the woman, sometimes leaving the man with barely anything of what he has worked for. But reports:

‘The federal government will on Thursday introduce changes to the family law system that would ensure family and domestic violence can be taken into consideration in property settlements for separating families.’

And Cronin says: “Victims and survivors of family violence can struggle to achieve a fair division of property after a relationship breakdown, and often suffer long-term financial disadvantage.”

Where did they get this ridiculous woman from – a woman so out of touch with reality – a woman who does not hesitate to compare couple conflict with international ideologically motivated terrorism?

Men have to wake up and do something. That something is political action – working through our political system to hunt from office those politicians and political parties who enable this extreme prejudice against men. We know who they are.

The next federal election – arguably the most crucial since Federation – is likely to be at the beginning of 2025. Men should start their political preparations now.


Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner: Australia’s DV response must be as urgent as terrorism

Courts, police and services on the frontline of Australia’s domestic violence crisis are “causing harm,” the nation’s top expert has warned, in a plea for more resources to protect vulnerable women and children.

Jade Gailberger and Clare Armstrong August 21, 2024

Courts, police and services on the frontline of Australia’s domestic violence crisis are “causing harm,” the nation’s top expert has warned, in a plea for more resources to protect vulnerable women and children.

Calling for the scourge of abuse to be taken as seriously as “terrorism”, Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner Micaela Cronin on Wednesday handed down the first report card into the national response.

The report highlighted an alarming 43 per cent spike in the rate of police recorded DV-related sexual assaults for women between 2014 and 2022.

Meanwhile, the federal government will on Thursday introduce changes to the family law system that would ensure family and domestic violence can be taken into consideration in property settlements for separating families.

It can be exclusively revealed that National Legal Aid is calling on Labor to invest $317m in domestic violence legal services to meet demand and stop women being turned away.

Micaela Cronin says Australia’s response to domestic and family violence must be as urgent as terrorism. Picture: NewsWire / Martin Ollman

Micaela Cronin says Australia’s response to domestic and family violence must be as urgent as terrorism. Picture: NewsWire / Martin Ollman

“I think that what we need is for the community to take as seriously threats of domestic, family and sexual violence as they take terrorist threats, act on them as urgently and recognise that they are different,” Ms Cronin said.

She said Australia needed to be using all of the tools that are available for tackling terrorism, including monitoring social media, to end violence against women and children.

Labor is introducing family law changes to ensure the best interests of children are a central consideration.

Labor is introducing family law changes to ensure the best interests of children are a central consideration.

The first annual report into the 10-year national plan states that “serious concerns have been raised that government systems, including the family court and child protection system, are causing harm, and that police too often misidentify women as the primary aggressor – with terrible consequences – when they are the person most in need of protection”.

It calls for increased accountability for people who use violence and reinforces that “frontline and crisis services need to be better and more sustainably resourced.”

Read the rest here . . .

The (unfair) power of women’s tears

Calling a Moratorium on Women’s Tears: How Women Use the Accountability Gap to Manipulate Men and Why Men Must Resist It

By Janice Fiamengo

My subject is the problem of women’s tears. I argue that the exploitation of female tears creates an accountability gap in our societies; I’ve decided to use that phrase, accountability gap, rather than my original damseling, which describes something more specific.

My contention is that most feminist laws, policies, and social movements—whether MeToo, rape shield laws, the biased family court system, sexual harassment policies in the workplace, or the feminization of the professions—all these and more find their roots to some extent or other in women’s tears and our difficulty in resisting them. So, this is a call to resistance.

I am going to show that the tyranny of women’s tears has at least a 200-year history in the Anglophone
world—I’m sure it’s much older than that, but I don’t have the hard evidence—and I’m also going to touch on recent research strongly suggesting that women’s tears affect men at a basic bio-chemical level, shutting down some regions of the male brain and activating others, a fact that tells us something about how men evolved historically to respond to women’s demands.

Ultimately, I will argue, the solution to the accountability gap must be to restore male authority in the family and in society because women themselves are not, generally speaking, interested in becoming (or perhaps able to become) more accountable by using rational means of argumentation rather than tears.

Read the rest in the transcript here . . .

The Presumption of Innocence Conference

Zali’s back for Lehrmann’s hat

Fireworks promised at Presumption of Innocence conference

Bettina Arndt Jul 26, 2024

Just a short news item….

Justice Michael Lee in his defamation judgement attracted much attention with his pronouncement that, “Having  escaped the lion’s den, Mr Lehrmann made the mistake of going back for his hat.” This smug comment was naturally greeted with glee by the salivating media, who revelled in Lee’s harsh decision to declare Lehrmann a rapist (on the balance of probabilities).  

Well, now Zali’s coming back for his hat! The colourful Sydney criminal lawyer Zali Burrows has announced she is presenting Bruce Lehrmann in his appeal. She’s quite a reputation for handling tough, high-profile cases.

But the really exciting news is Zali is now one of the speakers at our Restoring the Presumption of Innocence conference, to be held on August 31.

This promises to be a very lively session. Zali has called her talk – “The verdict goes to… the best actress.”

The frank-talking woman is keen to expose how feminist ideology is influencing our justice system, with complainants routinely referred to as “victims” and police investigations seen as irrelevant as women’s statements are deemed sufficient evidence to proceed to trial.  She will speak for many criminal lawyers who are alarmed by what’s happening. She’s a rare breed, with the courage to tell it as it is.

We’re updating the program – see the latest draft here. Details of some key speakers are being withheld and therw will be talks that aren’t live-streamed. Given the sensitive nature of some of the revelations at the conference, certain speakers need to avoid the hostile media attention that comes with appearing online.

Read the rest here . . .

“Misogyny” is now terrorism in Britain

It had to come and likely will get worse. Feminists have their claws into every part of our slowly collapsing western society. What is happening in Britain is on its way to Australia. (Postscript: It has arrived. See my comments above on Australia’s Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner Micaela Cronin above)


The feminist, leftist British government is cracking down on free thinking men.

I don’t agree with everything said in this video. It’s of chief interest because it details the endless ridicule, insults, torment, abuse, mockery and misrepresentation men face daily.

Facts about homicide in Australia

The online magazine QUILLETTE has posted a detailed breakup of statistics on homicide in Australia. I have quoted the base figures about female murders as compared with male murders from The Australian Bureau of Statistics before. Around two-thirds of murder victims are male, the rest female. These figures give lie to the hysterical demonstrations about ‘femicide’.


The Truth About Australia’s “Domestic Violence Crisis”

Quillette, 13 August 2024

Australia is among the least violent countries in the world. There are things we should do to make women safer, but we should not succumb to a crisis narrative.