Amazon tribal chief: Liberation theology sustains primitive economy

As the Synod of Bishops from the Amazon continues to make headlines, many are curious about the contents of its forthcoming report. According to Pope Francis, the synod’s goal is “to identify new paths for the evangelization of God’s people in that region,” with a particular emphasis on the region’s indigenous people, who are “often forgotten and without the prospect of a serene future.”

Unfortunately, given the working document that’s already been released, as well as the various participants involved, many expect these “new paths” to include the Roman Catholic Church’s ongoing flirtations with liberation theology. As Kishore Jayabalan recently wrote here on the blog, “The tendency to blame capitalism for the ills of the region, the animus against a hierarchical Church, and the hopes for a socialist utopia are alive and well in the synod preparations.”

Read on…

‘A pushback against Visceral unreason’


Reviewed by Michael Gilchrist – News Weekly, 19 October 2019

Available through Amazon

After years of inaccurate and negative treatment of Tony Abbotts political career and image, both by the media and in assorted writings, a positive corrective is long overdue.

Many Australians accept as fact the crude caricatures and inaccuracies regarding Abbott: that he is a “wrecker”, a religious fanatic, a bully, anti-women, a far-right knuckle-dragger.

Gerard Wilson’s latest book, Tony Abbott and the Times of Revolution, will be welcomed by those who, despite all the media misinformation, continue to admire the former prime minister and parliamentarian as a thoroughly decent individual as well as a fearless, forthright champion of mainstream conservative values and the positive role of Western civilisation.

Wilson’s book comprises four sections: Abbotts school years and the 1960s cultural revolution; student radicalism at Sydney University 1973-75, the prelude to Abbott’s arrival on campus; Abbott’s pushback against the far-left monopoly of student politics, 1976-80; and the media and Abbott.

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Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Get the Hell out of our Church!

Michael Matt of Remnant Newspaper ends his latest inspiring video with this demand to the false pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio:

‘The Catholics of the world are on to you and we stand with these new Maccabees [who threw the Pachamama idols into the Tiber] and we say to you Holy Father at this darkest moment in the history of our Church, we say to you: for God’s sake pack up your pagan goodies and you and your globalist pals get the literal hell out of our Church because we’ve had enough. Our Lady of Para Cieta, Our Lady of Guadeloupe, Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us. Viva Cristo Rey!’

I am in full support of Michael Matt and his declaration. There can be no doubt that Bergoglio and his treacherous fellow prelates are in the process of forcing a pantheistic immanentist pagan religion on the Catholic faithful. The Vatican had admitted that Pachamama, the deity at the centre of the pagan ritual in the Vatican gardens, is ‘Mother Earth’.

It is a immanentist ‘Goddess’ religion’ opposed to the transcendent religion of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.

By this act of acknowledging the immanentist pantheistic religion, Bergoglio and his prelates have automatically excommunicated themselves. That’s Catholic teaching.

See the video HERE.

exposing the dark money behind Amazon Synod

John Henry Weston interviewed Brazilian Bernardo Küster who is a very popular Brazilian Catholic commentator. In the interview, Kuster corrects important (false) claims the Amazon Synod makes about the Amazon indigenous people and clarifies others. More importantly, he delves into the organizations (Church, business and NGOs) behind the scenes who are funding the synod for their own purposes. In the end, Kuster makes the case that the Amazon indigenous people are merely a pretext for higher ideological and mercenary purposes – something I have suspected all along but without firm grounding, until now. See the video HERE.

Amazon Synod to Renew Bizarre ‘Catacomb Pact’

There was a blaze of commentary about the undisguised pagan activity in the Vatican during the so-called Amazon Synod, including powerful insightful comment from people on the traditional Catholic side. Dr Taylor Marshall and Church Militant are excelling. Dr Marshall with his sidekick Timothy Gordon is terrific on the theological and philosophical implications. Michael Voris continues to pound the clerical weak minds running the show. But for me, the third member of the trio I follow, Michael Matt of Remnant newspaper, is out there leading the charge. His videos are a combination of cold-sober dissection and satirising of the absurdities the Vatican people think we can’t see through. I will continue to provide the link to the best of Matt’s videos. See the video HERE.