Youtube, twitter, PayPal are in the hands of the far left. The far left tolerates little deviation from the Marxist line. Youtube, for example, is censoring or shutting down the most effective conservative channels. The good news is that other platforms for videos are being developed. People like Dave Cullen are now uploading content onto the following developing platforms:
CathNews reported today a brief summary of the grounds for Cardinal Pell’s appeal to the High Court of Australia. Those grounds as summarised by the Cardinal’s lawyers amount to the charge that Justices Ferguson and Maxwell of the majority opinion rejected the basic rules of reason.
[Cardinal Pell’s] lawyers argue that the Victoria’s Court of Appeal mistakenly reversed the onus of proof when hearing his case, forcing him to prove it was impossible for him to sexually assault two choirboys in a cathedral.
In their application, Cardinal Pell’s barristers, Bret Walker SC and Ruth Shann, said the two judges who upheld Cardinal Pell’s convictions “erred by finding their belief in the complainant required (Pell) to establish the offending was impossible in order to raise and leave a doubt”.
Note: abstractly speaking nothing is impossible except a contradiction (See David Hume). Truth in concrete circumstances depends on the empirical data, not on abstract propositions.
Michael Voris of Church Militant does not mince words. He reminds me of those Franciscan friars who went around parishes giving missions. They were the fire and brimstone preachers of fifty years ago.
In video his ‘Confronting Toxic Femininity‘, Voris focuses on the difference between men and women and their response to moral and social issues. Men, he says, have the inclination to assess the truth of the issue; women have the inclination to let their feelings rather than cool objective assessment govern their first reaction. Compassion and sympathy are the best qualities of the female. But, says, Voris, when women let just their feelings determine their reaction to social issues, they degenerate into toxic femininity where truth is abandoned.
I must give a trigger warning about the verbal aggression that will disturb some in the watching. Watch it at your own risk.
Has anyone notice the increasing number of television advertisements featuring a black male (usually of African appearance) coupled with a lily white female? I have never seen a black female with a white man. Nor have I seen an Asian male coupled to a black women. Or any other racial coupling, for that matter.
But let me leave the limited racial mix aside. I want to know what the purpose is of promoting interracial marriage.
I suggest Dave Cullen has the answer in one of his videos, Woke Online Dating. He talks about dating but his explanation is just as relevant to marriage.
More evidence of the collapse of reason in Western Society.
What’s at the heart of the issue is the extreme left’s ongoing campaign to neutralise conservative Alan Jones. This is the crucial paragraph conservatives should take as a warning.
‘The boycott [of Alan Jones], which was led by social media activist groups Mad F–king Witches and Sleeping Giants Oz, has resulted in more than 100 brands distancing themselves from Sydney’s 2GB Breakfast Show. Media sources estimate it has cost the network more than $1 million.’
Standover, intimidation, wrecking, sabotage… nothing is beyond the drooling fanatics of the left. The foulest, the most abusive, and the most slanderous of attacks emanate from the left. Where is Australia going? The left continue to take all before it.
I have set up a section on my website which is devoted to Cardinal Pell. My intention is cover all aspects of the Cardinal’s life, not only his conviction for sexual abuse. It is a long term project. My mission statement is as follows:
Most people will see this photo as representative either of a corrupt Church harbouring a despicable paedophile who with justice should be given over to the lynch mob that has relentlessly stalked him. Or they will see reflected in the humiliated handcuffed cardinal a screaming injustice, the collapse of reason, the trashing of the justice system, and the degradation of Australian society. It is especially the collapse of reason that should alarm the ordinary Australian.
The judges of the majority judgement rejecting Cardinal Pell’s appeal seem to know nothing about the rules of reason. They seem not to know that abstractly speaking matters of fact could always be otherwise, that nothing is impossible except a contradiction, that judgements about reliability and trustworthiness are based on the empirical evidence. No rational person trusts someone without convincing evidence. The more critical the trust, the greater the need for sound concrete evidence.
When I examine the empirical evidence surrounding the accuser’s
charges (so lucidly discussed by the dissenting judge), I cannot but
conclude that this hidden anonymous man has concocted and acted out a
story to fool the gullible, buoy the bigot, and serve the aims of the
Cardinal’s political enemies, including those in his Church.
The accuser’s project is of such extraordinary daring that I further conclude he has the help and backing of political groups who have hatched a long term plan to destroy Cardinal Pell. Whatever happens regarding a High Court appeal, they have succeeded. Cardinal Pell has been become a martyr to the religious and political beliefs he has so forcefully defended.
A final conclusion is that no religious or political conservative in Australia is safe.
In this section of my website, I will continue to examine the evidence, critique the conviction and attempt to get behind what is known or claimed.
I do not encourage anyone to break the law, but I appeal to those
with knowledge about the Pell Affair that has not been made public to
contact me. Confidentiality is assured.
On the Acton Institute Powerblog , Rev Ben Johnson made comment about an article appearing on the Real News Network, ‘Witchcraft, Anarchy and the rise of the Left Tube.’ The article was about Angie Speaks, a ‘libertarian socialist’ who encourages socialists to use ‘witchcraft, spells and hexes’ against the free market.
The article is entertaining for what a crackpot leftist has to say about the Marxist struggle against capitalism. My attention, however, focused on Speaks’ assertions about the influence of the occult and witchcraft. Those who have read my two novels in the Winterbine series (a third novel due early 2020) know that Gnosticism and the occult feature in the story, particularly in its influence among feminists and radicalised Catholic nuns. Here are a few pertinent passages:
Angie Speaks asks the workers of the world to unite around their Himalayan salt lamps.
“Witchcraft is the tool of the oppressed class,” Angie affirms during the Real News interview, in which the camera captures what appears to be a witchcraft altar next to her bed.
“Do you think engaging with Earth goddess religious traditions could vitalize the Left?” asks interviewer Taya Graham.
Speaks says she has found that paganism enhances her political struggle.
“There’s a lot of truth to be unearthed within spirituality, especially because spiritual traditions have always been linked to the fight against capitalism and the fight against coercive systems,” spake Speaks.
In her telling, slaves in the New World who were oppressed by Church and State, turned to “things like Santeria, things like Vodun [voodoo], or here things like Wicca, which has a very strong through line with women’s movements and feminism. It was sort of a reservoir of strength and a reservoir of all the things needed to keep one’s soul intact.”
George Weigel of DC’s Ethics and Public Policy has said in First Things what many of us believe: Australian Justice is in the Dock. To make his point, he provides a timeline of what Cardinal Pell was subjected to from 2013 to the present. He concludes:
In the wake of last month’s incomprehensible and (as measured by Judge Weinberg’s dissent) dangerous rejection of Cardinal Pell’s appeal, Catholic voices were heard expressing (or demanding) respect for the justice system in Australia. Perhaps the Vatican press spokesman must say such things for diplomatic purposes, although the reason why diplomatic concerns trump truth and justice in the Holy See Press Office is unclear. But as this chronology indicates, there is no reason to respect a process that reeks of system failure at every point, from the dubious and perhaps corrupt police investigation through the committal hearing, the two trials, and the appeal. There are guilty parties here. But Cardinal George Pell is not one of them.
As this scandalous process approaches the High Court of Australia, friends of Australia, both Down Under and throughout the world, must send a simple message, repeatedly: George Pell is an innocent man who was falsely accused and has been unjustly convicted of crimes he did not commit. It is not George Pell who is in the dock, now, but the administration of justice in Australia. And the only way to restore justice is for Cardinal Pell to be vindicated by the highest court in the land.
Those who cannot bring themselves to say that, in Australia or elsewhere, necessarily share in the ignominy that Australian criminal justice has, thus far, brought upon itself.
George Cardinal Pell was charged last week with multiple counts of sexual abuse of children. He currently resides in Rome, tasked with cleaning up the Vatican finances. In the coming weeks he will fly to his native Australia, where he vows to fight all charges. His successor in the see of Sydney, Archbishop Anthony Fisher, advises letting the justice system take its course.
Australian civil authorities have yet to announce the number and nature of the offenses with which Pell is charged. But allegations against Pell have been accumulating for years. He stands publicly accused of complicity in a sex abuse coverup in the diocese of Ballarat in the 1970s and early 1980s; complicity in a sex abuse coverup in the archdiocese of Melbourne in the late 1980s and 1990s; and various counts of child molestation, assault, and indecent exposure, from 1961 through 1997.
In his latest Media Watch Dog report (No.467), Gerard Henderson provides a summary of Carl Beech’s crimes:
MWD readers are well aware about the case of “Nick” – later to be revealed as Carl Beech. In late October 2012, Nick claimed that – when a boy – he had been sexually abused by a number of high profile British men. Some of the alleged offenders were living – others (like former prime minister Edward Heath) were dead.
Nick’s allegations led to a situation where police in Britain adopted a policy of believing the complainant in cases of historical child sexual abuse. This was followed by a practice of calling a complainant a “victim” – before the alleged offender was found guilty. These matters are also relevant in Australia.