Tag Archives: Pope Pius XII

The Black Legend hangs on

Despite the abundant documentary evidence unearthed by Gary Krupp of Pave the Way Foundation, the accusations that Pope Pius XII was silent about the plight of the Jews during World War II persists. Worse, there are claims he cooperated with the Nazis. This view strenuously propagated by the left has been called the ‘Black Legend’. Gary Krupp was recently interviewed by Deborah Castellano Lubov of Zenit.

INTERVIEW: Thanks to Pius XII, Almost a Million Jews Saved from Nazis, Says Jewish Man Who Hated Pacelli But Now Calls Him a Hero

Pave the Way Foundation Worked Since 2006 to Restore the Good Name of Pope Pius XII Smeared by the Soviet ‘Disinformation Project Called ‘Seat 12’.

March 26, 2019,Deborah Castellano Lubovinterview, Interviews

Thanks to Pope Pius XII nearly 1 million Jews were saved from the Nazis, and hence a Jewish hater of Pius XII has become his strongest advocate.

In an exclusive interview, ZENIT learned this was the situation of Gary Krupp, founder, along with his wife Meredith, founders and directors of the Pave the Way Foundation, which has tirelessly worked to reveal the truth of the action of the Vatican during World War II.

The Pave the Way Foundation is a nonsectarian organization which works to remove obstacles between religions, partially through eliminating non-theological challenges, and to initiate gestures of good will.

Pope Francis last month announced in an audience with members of the Vatican Secret Archives that for the 80th Anniversary of Pacelli’s death, he would open to academics and researchers, the Archives of Pacelli’s pontificate, which has been controversial, with some having said that while he was Pope during the Second World War he did not speak out, and others claiming there is evidence that he did more than almost anyone else to save Jews from the Nazis.

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