Tag Archives: Kerryn Phelps

The extreme left have prevailed in Wentworth

The voters of the federal seat of Wentworth have elected lesbian and climate-change activist Kerryn Phelps to take the place of Malcolm Turnbull in the federal parliament. When you consider Turnbull’s contemptible betrayal of the Liberal Party, confirming what we conservatives always thought of him, Phelps is the appropriate substitute.

As expected, the cry has gone up from pretend Liberals like John Hewson to drag the party back from the extreme right. The electorate has sent the Liberal Party a message, they say. The leftist media (the Fairfax and Guardian newspapers, and the green-left ABC) have begun recycling the call. There has been a clear message from the Wentworth results, though, and it’s not Hewson’s.

That message is, first, the former Liberal blue-ribbon seat of Wentworth has gone green-left feral and, second, the Liberal Party must work all the harder to protect its conservative character to deal with the befouling and degradation of Australian culture and society it suffers from the green-left coalition of the Greens and the Labor Party. It has to scrape off the debilitating leftist barnacles that have clung to it over the years. They have to tell people like John Hewson and Amanda Vanstone to shut up and get lost. Mealy-mouth approaches to the subversives are chicken-hearted and achieve nothing.