Tag Archives: Gender theory

Some concrete problems with gender theory

A growing number of feminists are raising objections to the concrete outcomes of transgenderism.

Say two physically fit biological 17-year-old males decide they’re girls. Their decision, we are told, is not to be disputed. Having switched to the female gender, they would go with the girls in sporting contests. That’s the logical outcome of gender theory.

How would biological female athletes of the same age feel about being thrashed by the biologically male girls? Not great, I imagine.

Just such a case was reported by the Washington Times under the heading, Transgender sprinters finish 1st, 2nd at Connecticut girls indoor track championships.

You have to feel sorry for the biologically female girls who spent weeks training for the sport meet only to suffer disadvantages feminists were all about removing.

The growing dictatorship of transgenderism

Questioning gender fluidity is the new blasphemy

Brendan O’Neill

The capitulation of the establishment to the politics of transgenderism has been astonishing. I’m struggling to remember any other time when a new and contested ideology has been so uncritically embraced by the powers-that-be.   We have a Tory government pushing a Gender Recognition Act that would allow anyone to change his or her gender without so much as popping a hormone pill. An established Church which yesterday issued guidelines to its schools encouraging them to let kids ‘explore gender identity’. Police forces exchanging helmets for caps because ‘gender-based headgear’ is disrespectful to trans people. And of course a university system — the nurturer of future leaders — in which women’s colleges are throwing themselves open to people who were born male, students are told to use gender-neutral pronouns, and anyone who says ‘Men cannot become women’ can expect to be hounded off campus. Read on…

Transgender is a mental disorder – sex change biologically impossible

Dr McHugh is the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry. His claims about transgenderism can be summarised:

  • Transgenderism is a mental disorder requiring treatment
  • Sex change is biologically impossible
  • People promoting sexual reassignment surgery promote a mental disorder
  • The suicide rate among transgender people who have undergone gender reassignment is 20 times higher than the rate among non-transgender people
  • 70%-80% of children who expressed transgender feelings lost those feeling over time
  • The idea of sex misalignment is mistaken. It does not correspond with physical reality
  • Surgical intervention can lead to grim psychological outcomes

See link:
John Hopkins’s Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder’; Sex Change Bilogically impossible